Create a user snippit in Visual Studio for Go Hugo

Create a user snippit in Visual Studio Code to fast track your Go Hugo file creation

When I create my markdown files in Visual Studio Code for Hugo, I always get confused on the header properties,

title: "Create a user snippit in Visual Studio for Go Hugo"
description: "Create a user snippit in Visual Studio Code to fast track your Go Hugo file creation "
date: 2020-06-22T00:01:01+02:00
draft: true

so I created a simple user snippit for Visual Studio. This allows me to create a header and set the title, description and other properties by just typing Ctrl+Space. Below is my snippit for visual studio :

"File Header": {
    "prefix": "header",
    "description": "Output a file header with the file name and date",
    "body": [
		"title: \"The tile goes here\"",
		"description: \"The description goes here\"",
        "date: $CURRENT_YEAR-$CURRENT_MONTH-$CURRENT_DATE+T00:01:01+02:00",
		"draft: true",
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