About Morné Wolfaardt

A page all about Morné Wolfaardt and his blog Cupofdev


Hi, I’m Morne Wolfaardt, and thank you for visiting my blog. I’m a developer by heart, and have been writing code for as long as I can remember.

As a child I grew up, learning Clipper and dBase and later on progressing to Pascal and even VB. Look it was the early 90’s so don’t judge..

When HTML came along, I quickly learned as much as I could, and before I knew it, I was writing websites. I started my career as a support agent for a insurance company, and a year later I joined their IT team and build front ends for their customers using HTML and Asp.Net. Soon after that I learned Crystal reports and created policy documentation.

Fast forward to today, and I work for Microsoft as a Technical Specialist focusing on Dynamics 365 and Power Apps.

I don’t get to develop as much, but I get to help customers solve their problems and also see the potential with the platform. Before joining Microsoft, I helped partners implement and support their customers on CRM.

I’ve been using Dynamics now for little more than 10 years, and one strange thing about Dynamics is that even though you need to know CRM, you also need to know SQL, C#, Javascript and even the OS (like how to setup ADFS and IFD).

I started this blog because I realized I have something to share my findings and work with the world. I’ve included some stats about my Microsoft Learn profile below, go check it out!

Microsoft Learn Statistics

Programming Languages I know

  • C#
  • Asp.net
  • WPF
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Go
  • HTML
  • CSS

Giving back to others

As part of my growth mindset and development, I love to give back to others, one way I give back is by writing my blog articles, another way is running community events.

I’m proud to say that I’ve been running the Cape Town Power Platform Community, and the community has been growing massively year over year. In addition to the community, I also arrange large Dynamics events with the 365 Saturday community, that enables MVP’s and Microsoft employee’s to educate local members.

In my spare time

In my spare time I like to be in nature, go hike and fish and take photos wherever I can. I love to read, learn, reflect and try to everyday improve myself.

Get in contact with me

I’m on all the social platforms, you can connect with me on : :(fab fa-linkedin): https://www.linkedin.com/in/mornewolfaardt

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